Thursday, October 21, 2010

Are you Ready for Print-on-Demand?

Would the option to print on demand through an online storefront be of help to you or your organization? In many instances the answer is “yes”, but you may not realize how it would help. Answering a few simple questions can start to make the solution clear.

First, consider the structure of your organization. Do you have a distributed sales force or sell your product and/or service through dealers and distributors? If the answer is “yes!” you are a prime candidate to leverage Web-to-Print technology. By posting sales, marketing, and business communications into a Print-on-Demand storefront, you can empower your sales reps in the field, dealers, and distributors to order materials as they are demanded.

Next, ask yourself if your marketing department is struggling to keep up with requests? Or are you struggling to provide some of the down and dirty versioning and customizing of sales and marketing materials? If so, put another check in the “yes” column. End users are able to personalize and customize materials once in the Print-on-Demand storefront. Brand protection and legal compliance are no problem with the ability to control the degree of customization, as well as the capability to approve modifications before the job prints.

Or, are the same materials routinely ordered… such as stationary, letterhead, business cards, envelopes, forms? If so, you again fall into the “yes” category. By posting these items in a Print-on-Demand storefront, you now have the ability to order what you need when you need it...print it on-demand!

Finally, do you routinely revise documents, forcing you to throw out wasted, obsolete materials? Many companies find themselves answering “yes”. Choosing to print on demand eliminates waste, and provides speedy updates to documents. Print the most current version, in only the quantity you need, when you need it. Just-in-time inventory!

These are just a few basics when deciding if printing materials on demand is the right fit for you and your organization. Answering “yes” to any of the above questions is a good indication that this technology will have a positive impact on you and your organization.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Customer Service with Comfort

Really great customer service begins with focusing on our customer’s comfort.
  • Cookies on Airlines – Here in Wisconsin, Midwest Express became the preferred airline, based largely on a reputation of comfort and good service. Even after being acquired by Republic Airways, and changing the name to “Frontier”, the famous, comforting in-flight cookies are staying. This simple item builds comfort, translating to trust.
  • Follow-Up – After a recent surgery, the hospital staff called to make sure that we arrived home safely and that we had all of the instructions, etc. They gave us a phone number to call 24/7, should we have any additional questions. This added comfort boosted our trust.
  • Coffee Sleeves – Coffee shops provide “sleeves” to insulate hands and provide added comfort for their customers. As a bonus, they provide space for additional advertising, and actually save money for the coffee shop.
  • Friendly Approach – My senior-citizen mother drives 30 minutes to get to her Toyota dealership for periodic check-ups. When she arrives, the staff greets her at the door, holds the door open for her, offers coffee, donuts, reading material, and a very comfortable lounge. They finish on time, and help her to her car. For my mother, this relaxing, pleasant experience makes the drive negligible.
What are you doing to comfort your customers?

Friday, October 1, 2010


By now, we all understand the value delivered by personalizing and targeting your message to make it most relevant to your customers and prospects. The technical jargon, however, is still confusing. Let’s clear up what precisely is referred to by “Purls” “Gurls” and “Curls.”

A PURL is a “Persistent Uniform Resource Locator”, although most people think of it as simply a “Personalized URL”. The PURL offers the ability to present a “private viewing” of your products or services, or ask for specific information for future action. This level of personalization, in message, name, offer and imagery, allows for the most relevant interaction, based on the individual’s data, history, etc. PURLs, as part of an overall direct marketing campaign, offer the highest response rate.

A CURL can be thought of as either a “Customized URL” or a “Campaign URL”. Rather than individual landing pages, a number of “versions” of a landing page can be presented. Market segments such as industry, geographic region, business size, etc., can drive responders to one of several versions. Mail and email can still be personalized, and the landing page will present a more relevant message than a standard website. In instances where you may not have history or data to make a truly relevant PURL campaign, a CURL component can be used to drive interest, and to capture data which can help build a stronger, more personalized relationship into the future.

A GURL represents a “Generic URL”. We recommend including this tool in any direct marketing campaign. A specific landing page, developed for each campaign, will allow you to track responses and gather data for future marketing. This is great as a response to generic ads, and as a useful tool to direct people who may not have been included in the campaign at the time of the build.

While highly relevant PURLs are still the most powerful tool in generating response and sales, all of the PURL-CURL-GURL tools can play a part in developing long-term partnerships with your customers.