Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Customer Service with Comfort

Really great customer service begins with focusing on our customer’s comfort.
  • Cookies on Airlines – Here in Wisconsin, Midwest Express became the preferred airline, based largely on a reputation of comfort and good service. Even after being acquired by Republic Airways, and changing the name to “Frontier”, the famous, comforting in-flight cookies are staying. This simple item builds comfort, translating to trust.
  • Follow-Up – After a recent surgery, the hospital staff called to make sure that we arrived home safely and that we had all of the instructions, etc. They gave us a phone number to call 24/7, should we have any additional questions. This added comfort boosted our trust.
  • Coffee Sleeves – Coffee shops provide “sleeves” to insulate hands and provide added comfort for their customers. As a bonus, they provide space for additional advertising, and actually save money for the coffee shop.
  • Friendly Approach – My senior-citizen mother drives 30 minutes to get to her Toyota dealership for periodic check-ups. When she arrives, the staff greets her at the door, holds the door open for her, offers coffee, donuts, reading material, and a very comfortable lounge. They finish on time, and help her to her car. For my mother, this relaxing, pleasant experience makes the drive negligible.
What are you doing to comfort your customers?

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